U.S.G.A. rules govern all play except when modified by local rules.
Fairways are defined by white/green stakes or white/green markings on trees. If numbered it indicates the hole to which it applies.
Penalty areas are defined as either red or yellow. This affects the player’s relief options (see Rule 17.1d)
Red /Yellow painted stakes indicate both relief options and numbers on stakes will determine relief options available on the hole played.
Ground under repair is defined by blue markings or stakes. Young plants are identified by blue ribbons attached to them. Out of bounds is defined by white stakes.
All stakes are immovable obstruction (stakes may not be removed).
Defined by:
Stone walls around the golf course.
Line between white stakes from the T-box of hole # 4/13and along #9/18 fairway up to the stone wall; there after the wall up to and past the #9/18 green.
Playing #1-(O.B. #7, #16, rough not included and #9/18). Playing #3-(O.B. #9).
Playing #5/14-(O.B. #8, #12, #9). (O.B. line is defined by left fairway boundary of #12). Playing #6/15-(O.B. #10 after cross ditch).
Playing #9/18-(O.B. #3, #5/14 rough included, #10).
Playing #10- (O.B. #6/15, #16, #7, rough included and #9/18). Playing #12- (O.B. #5/14 rough #3 not included).
Playing #16- the left side boundary of fairway 6/15 (see fairway boundaries) (ball lying in ditch is O.B.)
Parking area and clubhouse.
Number 1
On the fairway of the hole being played only, lie of ball may be improved within 12 inches (Exception Grass Bunkers), either using the club head or by hand (mark, lift, clean, place) not nearer the hole. After the ball has been placed it is in play and if it moves before player has addressed it, it shall be replaced without penalty.
Number 2
When a ball lies in a small irrigation ditch or such a ditch interferes with the player’s stance:
a. In the fairway of the hole being played, the ball may be lifted, cleaned and placed within one club length from the edge of the ditch but not nearer to the hole
b. Otherwise, the ball may be lifted and cleaned and dropped within one club length of the edge of the ditch but not nearer the hole.
The ball lies in the ditch if it lies completely under the imaginary horizontal line between the left side edge and the right side edge of the ditch.
Number 3
The area within 20 meters from the edge of the green is considered fairway of that hole.
Number 4
In the general area, damage caused by animal burrows, holes, wheel tracks or cracks, interfere with the lie of the ball, the player may take relief under Rule 16. 1b. Interference does not exist if these conditions only interfere with player’s stance.
Number 5
Slant supports of stone walls (holes #10 and #5/14), distance markers and other stakes, rain shelters, safety fences, concrete benches, practice net, electrical poles, water cooler, boulders, concrete and metal covers of drains and PVC and other drainage pipes, young plants identified by blue ribbons attached to the plant, are immovable obstructions. Rule
16.1a applies: except when the ball is in a Penalty Area, player must take relief under Rule 17.
Number 6
If a ball is in the red penalty area beyond the bridge and left of the green on hole number 17, including when it is known or virtually certain that a ball has not been found came to rest in the penalty area, the player has these relief options, each for one penalty stroke:
Take relief under Rule 17.1, or
As an extra option, drop the original ball or another ball in the dropping Zone 2 located next to the Green of hole number 17.
If a ball fails to cross the yellow penalty area in front of the green of hole 17 the player will have an extra option to drop the ball in the drop zone 1 located next to the ladies’ tee box of hole 17. The dropping zone is a relief under Rule 14.3
One air horn blast will sound to stop play. Players in the process of playing a hole may complete the hole. Other players shall stop play immediately. Two air horn blasts to resume play. Three air horn blasts to suspend play.
Effective only when posted.
If a ball is lost on the fairway of the hole being played, another ball may be dropped as close as possible to the spot where the original ball was lost, without penalty. In all other cases another ball may be dropped with a penalty of one stroke.
Will be posted in the club house when applicable.